Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Artist of the Day, March 8, 2022: Daniel Danger, an American illustrator, Graphic designer and printmaker (#1515)

 Daniel Danger is an illustrator and printmaker working out of New England. The son of an middle school art teacher married to a professional potter, Daniel was never going to be a mathematician or claims adjuster for a top rated insurance agency. Amidst old houses dead from the fallout of urban sprawl, railway bridges asleep from neglect, and trees that engulf everything; his work attempts to remind you of something you may have said to someone, or something someone may have said to you; back in that time period thats just too far away to remember clearly, but not so long ago you forgot about it completely. His memories and many of his friends are simply ghosts now, shaking him awake with mistimed alarm clocks and the sounds of a television from across the house. Documentation is key to get through the day. Things are always changing and its easy to lose yourself.

Daniel runs Tiny Media Empire, a production and design company based out of Boston, MA. TME focuses on fine art screenprints, limited official posters for movies and bands, and video production design. He plays baritone guitar in the band A City Safe From Sea on Magic Bullet records, plays bass in the band IDNOCLIP, and records music solo under the name Caspermask. Due to a lack of personal vices, Daniel has one of the worlds largest collections of vintage Electro Harmonix effects pedals and fancies himself quite the expert on the topic. His cat is named after internet slang.

© 2022. All content on this blog is protected by international copyright laws All images are copyrighted © by Daniel Danger/Tiny Media Empire. Apart from fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, the use of any image from this site is prohibited unless prior written permission is obtained. All images used for illustrative purposes only


Worlds Fair  SET

where do you go when you go? are you on your way back home?"

"We can no longer protect you forever" minimal

This ship will right itself

Speak in code


Pianos become the teeth

Only feel smaller and smaller

I'm sorry again for everything i've been..

I love you, but i get to be angry too. I owe you everything and nothing."

Defective Comics #4 - Blockbuster

Darkness forgives

A headlight in the path of our breathing

2018. Official poster for WINCHESTER

2017.  When you and sleep escape me

2016. Take your time, try not to forget, we never will."

2016. Official poster for THE JUNGLE BOOK

2016. Official poster for CRIMSON PEAK

2015. I've been believing this ship will right itself

2014. To my only daughter, Abigail born in june, or June born in august,
whatever lie you choose

2014. Sung inside, a light crosses side to side, in a sung reprise.
Til your lungs give out, til your lungs give out in time

2014. Sometimes you go to that place we do not know,
and sometimes you come back, and sometimes you don't

2014. "but isnt that part of it? to wish for things were not part of?

2013. We speak in ninth grade form, cord under the door.
Powers out, we wait out the storm and i am floored

2013. The Town

2013. I never had a plan for you

2012. The Woman In Black

2012. Official poster for PSYCHO

2011. I have troubles today that i had not yesterday

2010. Black Keys new years

2007. I am a rabbit out of room, if you trick me I will run

59 Parks Wrangell, St. Elias

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