Craig Frazier is an illustrating designer who has enjoyed a distinguished career since 1978. He opened his doors as Frazier Design in 1980 and built a practice designing corporate communication, annual reports and advertising.
In 1996, he scaled down the design side of his practice to concentrate on illustration (and a few special design projects). Within two years he had developed one of the most distinct and recognized illustration styles in the country. Wit, irony, and simplicity have become the currency of the Frazier style.
He is a frequent contributor to the NY Times and business publications like Time Magazine, Fortune, Bloomberg Business Week, Harvard Business Review, and The Wall Street Journal to name a few. Amongst his corporate clients are Adobe, American Express, Boeing, Chevrolet, Deloitte, MasterCard, Navigant, The Royal Mail, U.S. Postal Service, and United Airlines. Craig has created seven postage stamps including the 2006 Love stamp and the 2010/11 commemorative Scouting stamps.
Craig has published a 176-page monograph titled The Illustrated Voice, (Graphis Press, 2003.) He is also the author and illustrator of several children’s books.
Craig was a founding member of the San Francisco Chapter of the AIGA in 1985 and served on the Board as its Treasurer in 1987. He was the Chair of Sponsorship for the 2005 ICON 4 Illustration Conference. Craig is a frequent lecturer at universities and design conferences.
I like to think that one of the explanations for Craig Frazier’s expressive and memorable illustrations is that he has been—and still is—a designer. The search for a concept, and not putting anything down until a concept is found, is what makes the end product great work that communicates, often about difficult subjects.
– Ivan Chermayeff, Partner, Chermayeff & Geismar
© 2023. All content on this blog is protected by international copyright laws All images are copyrighted © by Craig Frazier or assignee. Apart from fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, the use of any image from this site is prohibited unless prior written permission is obtained. All images used for illustrative purposes only

Craig Frazier |
The Studio
DuMOL Winery 25th Anniversary Magnum label |
Lucas Arts logo print |
Peregrine logo |
Towncutler logo |
Wildflower logo |
AIDS walk Poster |
Death od a salesman poster |
Fillmore Jazz Festival poster |
Fillmore jazzFestival 2015 poster |
Oracle .poster |
Santa Cruz poster |
Towncutler poster |
Ukraine poster |
Book jacket design and illustration for author and simple evangelist Ken Segall |
Cutting through the clutter. Town Cutler identity, branding program |
Cutting through the clutter. Town Cutler catalogue |
Muse 03 |
Muse 03 |
Muse 03 |
Nutrex Spirulina- microalgae supplement. Made in Kona |
READ Handbook |
Realm Cellars. The Absurd Collection was a three-bottle suite of numbered labels |
USPS and Royal Mail. Tiny designs to make an envelope lovely. |
Illustration |
Illustration |
FrazierCollection covers
Quartet Illustration |
Paperself Illustration |
Snakeshake Illustration |
Spaghetti road Illustration |
Withdrawn Illustration |
Wornstar Illustration |
Simply Masterful!