Jim Denomie (1955) is an Ojibwe painter. He is known for his colorful, at times comical, looks at United States history and Native Americans.
Denomie depicts politics, history and contemporary Native American issues using bold colors, big brush strokes and a heavy dose of satire. He earned a degree in studio arts and Native American studies from the University of Minnesota, and began painting the world around him. A visual storyteller, his work enlightens and educates people, and is in collections all over the world.
Denomie describes his narrative painting style as "metaphorical surrealism". His paintings frequently examine historical and contemporary events in American and Native American history, as well as aspects of pop-culture, art history and Anglo-Indian relations. Works such as Attack on Fort Snelling Bar and Grill (2007) are a comical examination of 19th century American events and contemporary culture. Inspired by his wife's participation in the 1862 Commemorative March, which took place in March 2006 to honor Dakota women and children forced to walk 150 miles from the Lower Sioux Agency to Fort Snelling due to the refusal by Indian agent Thomas J. Galbraith to release foodstuffs to the community. Andrew Myrick, a storekeeper from the agency, stated that if the Indians were hungry "let them eat grass or their own dung." Myrick was killed on the second day at the Battle of Lower Sioux Agency and when his body was found he had a mouth stuffed full of grass.
Minnesotan politics, news and Indian Country are often found in Denomie's contemporary history paintings. The intense recount between Al Franken and Norm Coleman is shown in Split Decision, where Paul Wellstone is the referee standing between the two politicians, dressed like boxers. Denomie's signature cast of characters sit in the audience: Wabooz, an Indian riding a horse, a coyote, a moose, and plenty of unenthusiastic people.
© 2018. All images are copyrighted © by Jim Denomie. The use of any image from this site is prohibited unless prior written permission is obtained.
Mr Jim Denomie |
The studio |
Totem |
A Beautiful Hero, Woody Keeble, 40"x 56" |
Antidote |
Attack on Fort Snelling Bar and Grill
Attack on Fort Snelling Bar and Grill (2007) are a comical examination of 19th century American events and contemporary culture. Inspired by his wife's participation in the 1862 Commemorative March, which took place in March 2006 to honor Dakota women and children forced to walk 150 miles from the Lower Sioux Agency to Fort Snelling due to the refusal by Indian agent Thomas J. Galbraith to release foodstuffs to the community.
Attack on Fort Snelling Bar and Grill detail
Bad Ass |
Black Hills Golf and Country Club |
Canoe Fry Bread |
Casino Sunrise, 50" x 70"
Casino Sunrise is Denomie's own remake of the Seal of Minnesota. Governor Tim Pawlenty is represented by "Pawl Bunyan" (a play on Paul Bunyan) and is shown with his pants around his ankles standing directly behind Babe the Blue Ox. Former governor Jessie Ventura is shown only wearing a thong and a feather boa; he has a cigar in his mouth, a fishing rod set with a grenade in one hand, and a fist of money in the other. No politician of recent Minnesota history escapes the wrath of Denomie's paintbrush; Norm Coleman sits on a toilet and Al Franken counts ballots behind him
Casino Sunrise, detail
Casino Sunrise, detail
Casino Sunrise, detail
Ceremony, 16"x 20"
Ceremony, 30"x 40" |
Chief Expecting Tough Re election |
Chief with beaded vest |
Clown with Boobs |
Communion |
Slightly Disturbed, installation |
Disturbed Series, (3 of 16), 14"x 11" |
Disturbed Series, (4 of 16), 14"x 11" |
Disturbed Series, (7of 16), 14"x 11" |
Dream Rabbit II, 30"x 42"
Edward Curtis, Paparazzi-Skinny Dip, 40"x 56" |
Electric Rabbit, 11"x14 |
Eminent Domain, A Brief History of America, 84"x 144" |
Eminent Domain, A Brief History of America, detail
Eminent Domain, A Brief History of America, detail
End of the Trail, 36"x 24" |
End of the Trail, detail
Four Rabbits Named Thumper, 24"x 32" |
Full Moon Ride, 20"x 24"
Portrait of Heid E. Erdrich |
Koochie and Tuffy, 20"x 24" |
Live Music Tonite, 35"x 49"
Manifold Destiny |
Nite Spirit |
Non negotiable |
Off the Reservation (Or Minnesota Nice) 60"x 96"
Owl, Spirit, Wolf Totem 36"x18" |
Oz the emergence |
Oz the emergence, detail
Oz the emergence, detail
Oz the emergence, detail
Oz the emergence, detail
Red headed Jesus, 10"x 8”
Red Horse |
Remote, 35"x 49" |
Doodle. 11'x14" |
Study for "Enchanted Forest" or "Wired". 30"x 42" |
Study for Standing Rock portrait series, #1, 9"x12” |
Sketch Valentines Day card for my wife. 5"x 7” |
Sketch, Air Jesus |
Split Decision |
The Creative oven, installation |
The Creative oven, upper panel |
The Creative oven, upper panel detail |
The Creative oven Lower panel
In this painting there's an artist on his hands and knees. He's sticking his head into a gas oven and cranking up the gas. His head goes through this smokestack, up through the sky into this second panel which is the dream world, and he sees this scenery.
The Last Chicken, 15"x 30" |
Posse, 36"x 48" |
The Procession |
Toast |
Transitions, 35"x 49"
Untruthful |
Vatican Cafe |
Wolf |
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