Saturday, October 5, 2024

Artist of the Day, October 5, 2024: Michiel Schrijver, a Dutch painter (Surreal architecture) (#2129)

Michiel Schrijver, (1957) is a surreal architecture painter.
"Travel fuels the imagination" is a variant on an old saying which certainly applies to Michiel Schrijver. Painting is a form of travel for him, after all. And the way it amazes him is a great motivation to paint. Amazement at everything he discovers en route in his inner world, because that is what appears in his paintings.

The paintings of Michiel Schrijver give us the opportunity to travel through his world. We are taken into his inner world where people play a minor role in an often overwhelming architecture. A minor role but of certain importance. Moreover, you always feel the presence of the sea in his paintings.

Schrijver: "Water flows; it is always moving, bringing us to many places to unknown isles as far as beyond the horizon. That intrigues me, but also staying home within the security of the harbour, giving us comfort, has a certain attraction". Schrijver creates situations where certain elements frequently return. Buildings with pillars, domes and arches are often provided with ribbons and flags or signs with arrows, numbers and figures. They have no symbolic meaning but purely a pictorial function.

The people within these structures have indistinctive lifes. Schrijver: "Of course many questions arise about the world I create, but I don't have to know the answer. Something gets lost when I know what it is all about". In order to get his paintings to a good end he deals with a creative imagination. This is a dual activity; it combines the act of seeing with the action of creating. His paintings show a Fantasy world .

Overwelming architecture dominates his scenes, illuminated by Mediterranean colors. Water is an important element for him, as well as people who almost always play a minor role in his scenes. They seem to have indistinctive lives. In short: he uses the outside world to feed his inner world. All paintings are executed with acrylic on canvas.

© 2024. All content on this blog is protected by international copyright laws All images are copyrighted © by Michiel Schrijver or assignee. Apart from fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, the use of any image from this site is prohibited unless prior written permission is obtained. All images used for illustrative purposes only

Michiel Schrijver

Friday, October 4, 2024

Artist of the Day, October 4, 2024: Connie Harrison, an emerging British painter (#2128)

 Connie Harrison (1993) is an emerging British artist, who lives and works in London. She works by overlaying landscapes with different compositions, building up an overall sense of an abstracted landscape. Organic, natural forms and elements, float between foreground and background, in and out of familiarity.

Through their varied surfaces, compositions emerge slowly through a process of layering and stripping away oil paint and a wax paste. Throughout the painting process parts of the surface unfold in texture, mark, opacity and colour, which overlay and entwine with one another; simulating movement and adding depth to the imagery as if they are growing.

Her process is a metaphor to the natural rhythms and circular life cycles. Paintings grow organically, layer by layer, working on and developing an underlying pattern, like leaves and sedimentary rock. There is a juxtaposition to the surface, deep mark making and exposed areas reveal traces of the painting below.

Connie Harrison graduated from Chelsea College of Arts, after completing a foundation at New College, Nottingham. Recent solo exhibitions include, ‘In Midst, Unfolding, Informality, London (2023), ‘Knitted Hedges’, Blue Shop Gallery, London (2023), ‘Nurtured Furrows’, Arusha Gallery, Edinburgh (2022). Her work has been included in group exhibitions at Guts Gallery (2024), Arusha Gallery (2023), Delphian Gallery (2021), Flowers Gallery (2020), among others.

© 2024. All content on this blog is protected by international copyright laws All images are copyrighted © by Connie Harrison or assignee. Apart from fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, the use of any image from this site is prohibited unless prior written permission is obtained. All images used for illustrative purposes only

 Ms. Connie Harrison
Connie at work

 Tide, 2019
 View and Sistance, 2019
Spring, Rays, and Dusk, 2020
 Burgess Park, 2021
Camberwell Green, 2021
Crimson Bloom, 2021
Untitled, 2021
Branching Pathways, 2022
Deep Breath, 2022
 Undoing & Becoming, 2022
Blue, 2023
 Contrails, 2023
In Midst, Unfolding 2023
Infloresence, 2023
Omnifold, 2023
Pink, 2023
 Sunflecked path, 2023
 Untitled, 2024
Ian and Kate
Lacework of trees