James Steinberg graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design in 1980 and has been illustrating since then. He has done work for book covers, CD covers, magazines, annual reports, web sites, software programs, and capabilities brochures. In 2001 James designed the first postage stamp for Diabetes awareness. His work has often appeared in the Communication Arts, American Illustration, Society of Illustrators and Print Regional Award annuals.
Early in his career, he spent a few years working on exclusively book jackets. He had the privilege of illustrating covers for authors like Andre Dubus, Ruth Rendell and James M. Cain. His work has been recognized by The Society of Illustrators, American Illustration, Communication Arts, Print Magazine, 3 X 3 magazine, etc ...
James have taught at The Art Institute of Boston and The New England School of Art and Design. He also lectured at Mass College of Art, Williston Academy and Wilbraham-Monson Academy.
© 2019. All images are copyrighted © by James Steinberg. Apart from fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, the use of any image from this site is prohibited unless prior written permission is obtained. All images used for illustrative purposes only.
Mr James Steinberg |
Managing Arthritis, for Reader’s Digest
Idiom #1 |
The Mind-Gut Connection, opener for MONITOR ON PSYCHOLOGY |
Fathers, Sons, and #MeToo, for The Wall Street Journal |
Adult Children Returning Home, for Web MD |
Gene Editing, for DISCOVER magazine |
The MSG Hoax, for Colgate University |
Dealing with Loss, for The Wall Street Journal |
Original Scholarship, part of a series for Teachers College |
Opportunity, cover of the McKinsey Compendium |
Impact, part of a series for Teachers College |
Daring Thought, part of a series for Teachers College |
Eurozone Crisis, part of a series for The Milken Institute |
Research, part of a series for Teachers College |
Idiom #2 |
Pondering Immigration, for Penn State |
Growth |
All You Need is Likes, personal piece about Social Media |
Outside the Box An article for Brigham Young about the importance of getting out of our ideological comfort zones |
Driven to Distract, editorial for the New York Times |
Mass Shootings, editorial for The New York Times |
Social History, book report for the Boston Globe |
Reflection Part of The Obama Legacy Project for The Washington Post, This project has been nominated for an Emmy Award |
Turning the PagePart of a series for Columbia University on bringing education behind bars |
To Russia with Love |
Unholy Icon |
Moral Rot |
Monster |
Populism, for Princeton |
Adrift, for an article about the new administration's immigration policies |
Figment Figment is a website that allows students to share their writing in progress. For School Library Journal |
Family Breakdown, for Notre Dame |
Fixing Schools, for Commonwealth Magazine |
American Heartburn |
Citizen Baby About foreigners using American surrogates to establish citizenship. For California Lawyer |
Men of the Year |
Cheek to Cheek |
Lobbying for Loopholes |
Boo! |
Primal Scream |
Sexual Harassment, for Web MD |
Men and Loneliness, the Importance of Connection for Web MD |
Race and Class, for Princeton |
Fake News, Courrier International |
Nature or Nurture? |
Financial Advisor Interview, for the Wall Street Journal |
INDEX FUNDS vs MANAGED FUNDS, for Kiplingers Personal Finance |
Tensions, part of a series for Le Monde on the US elections |
Obama's Challenges, part of a series for Le Monde on the US elections |
White Supremacy, Part of a series for Le Monde on the US elections |
Unequal Access, for Harvard |
This Year's Model |
Restoring Civility About how seniors can influence a modern trend toward uncivil behavior, for AARP |
Disrupted Circuit Doctors at Cedars Sinai are working on cures for neurological diseases |
Quarterly Taxes, for Barron's |
What Good is a Mind that Wanders? Having a wandering mind may not be such a bad thing, for Columbia Business School |
Be a Man |
Divorce and the Church, for Notre Dame |
Top Lawyers. The Best Lawyers in Denver, 5280 Magazine |
Disruption, About new laws concerning approval of patents, for American Lawyer |
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