Alicja Kwade (1979) is a polish sculptor. Her work investigates and questions the structures of our reality and society and reflects on our perceptual habits and supported facts in our everyday life. Her diverse practice is based around concepts of science and philosophy and takes shape in sculptural objects, such as big scale public installations, but also video, photography as well as sound pieces. In more recent years her focus has shifted even more towards public art installations creating conversations between her sculptures, the people and the social and historical background.
Alicja uses natural materials like stone and wood into her work, framed by elements such as copper, brass, gold, or stainless steel. She also uses ready-made objects including lamps, mirrors or clocks among others and incorporates them into her complex conceptual works that often defy the laws of gravity in a very elegant way.
She explores both, the physical and metaphysical realms and how they are intertwined and influenced by human conceptions and imagination. Recurrent motives of her investigation are planetary systems, molecular and nuclear compositions of objects and living beings, mathematics and language and how they can be used to express the world we live in and the social structures and norms surrounding us.
With her work Alicja challenges our perceptions of reality and unravels what we perceive as norm, thus creating new possibilities and even parallel universes through the perfectly choreographed interaction between form, material and the meaning we attach to it, space and composition.
Alicja now lives and works in Berlin.
© 2023. All content on this blog is protected by international copyright laws All images are copyrighted © by Alicja Kwade or assignee. Apart from fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, the use of any image from this site is prohibited unless prior written permission is obtained. All images used for illustrative purposes only

Ms. Alicja Kwade |
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36 disconnected futures (sound wood), 2010 |
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Kooperatives Phänomen (Grundkraft), 2010 |
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Weißes Gold (animal metaphysicum), 2010 |
Used and tired, 2013 |
Alle Zeit der Welt, 2015 |
Medium Median, 2016 Installation view Whitechapel Gallery, London |
Mythe Orbita, 2016 |
Entitas St. Agnes, 2028 Berlin
Hypothetisches Gebilde, 2018 |
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In Circles (UTC), 2018 |
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Revolution (Gravitas), 2018 |
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Multi-Teller (12), 2019 |
Formation, 2020 |
MatterMotion, 2020 |
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ParaPivot (sempiternal clouds), 2020 |
Principium, 2020 |
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Tunnel-Tell (Ceci Sera), 2020 |
Amáss, 2021 |
Amáss, 2021 detail
SolidSky, 2021 |
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Amás(s) Astair, 2022 |
Au Cours du Monde III, 2022 |
Citrus Quantum, 2022 |
Continuum, 2022 |
Heavy Skies, 2022 |
In Blur, 2022 |
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l'ordre des mondes (Totem), 2022 |
la Guarda, 2022 |
Light suicide, 2022 |
Pretty Pity, 2022 |
Reversed skies, 2022 |
Stella Stella, 2022 |
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Magnificent, conceptually & aesthethically outstanding!!!!