Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Artist of the Day, October 7, 2020: Kerttu Horila, a Finnish ceramicist and visual artist (#1113)

 Kerttu Horila (1946) is a Finnish ceramicist and visual artist. Horila graduated from the Department of Ceramic Art of the School of Art and Design in 1972.

Horila is especially known for her life-size human figures, which are on display in public places. The most famous of them are the three bathing female figures in the Rauma Canal and Maire, placed in Pori's Eetunaukio.

During her career, Kerttu Horila has focused on portraying people. In 1980, Horila’s exhibition at Galleria Bronda was filled with tango-dancing life-size couples executed as ceramic reliefs. The figures sitting at the tables were made as busts. Music plays in the background and a ceramic steward sitting in a chair oversaw the event. Since then, Horila has been known for its large, often life-size ceramic or bronze human figures. Perspectives and situations related to a woman’s life are also a central theme in her production. Horila describes people with warmth, insight and vision - it is easy for the viewer to identify with the characters in the works and take part in situations. Alongside the sculptures, one can sit and interact. Humor is often included in the works as well.

Horila has also created many works for public spaces, such as the Three Sweet Ladies in the Rauma Canal and the Maire sculpture on display in Pori. Horila's works include e.g. Horila's works have also been featured in numerous museum exhibitions in recent years.

© 2020. All content on this blog is protected by international copyright laws All images are copyrighted © by Kerttu Horila. Apart from fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, the use of any image from this site is prohibited unless prior written permission is obtained. All images used for illustrative purposes only


Ms. Kerttu Horila

Naisten huone, 1998

Naisten huone, 1998

Naisten huone, 1998

 Naisten huone, 1998

Kome Sulotarta, 1999

Baari, peili, akryyli, keramiikka, 2002

Baccus 1 ja, 2002

 Kolme sulotarta, 2002

Valvova Magdaleena, 2002

 Naamiouni, 2003

Nainen 38 v., 2004

 veistosinstallaatio, 2004

 Yllinkyllin, 2006

 Kuva Jussi Tiainen, 2008

 Naiset kirkossa, 2008

 Naiset kirkossa, 2008

 Naiset kirkossa, 2008

 Kolme diivaa, 2009

 Hertta, 2011

 Märtha, 2011

Brigitte, 2014

 kuningas, 2014

 kuningatar, 2014

 Rauma Plikk, 2014

 Salaisuus, 2014

 Satu, 2014

Teatteridiivoja, 2014

 Teatteridiivoja, 2015

 Yhteisötaideteos "Olipa Kerran" 2016 1

 Kotka, 2017

 Kyyhkynen, 2017

 Narttu Mirri ja Emo, korkeus, 2017

 Salaisuus, 2017

 Kolme jänistä, 2018

Kuiskaus 2 on uusi teo




  1. These are so original and fun!!! I love the expressions on some of the faces!
    Nancy A.

  2. Love all of them! I hadn’t seen her work before.
