Kris Parins
A Signature Member of several watercolor societies including AWS, NWS and TWSA, Kris Parins' award-winning paintings and articles have been featured in Watercolor Artist, International Artist, and American Artist Watercolor magazines, as well as several editions of Splash: the Best of Watercolor. Her work is regularly included in international competitions, including the prestigious Birds in Art exhibition at the Woodson Art Museum.
Delight in nature was instilled in Kris in her childhood, spent at the edge of a lake in northern Wisconsin. That same small lake now provides the view and inspiration from the windows of her summer studio. She also maintains a studio in Sarasota, Florida.
After earning an art degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Kris studied graphic design. As an art director and account executive, she enjoyed creating illustrations for her clients' product graphics. Since 1999, Kris has directed her creative energy toward fine art. Watercolor’s transparency and vibrancy, combined with an element of surprise, continue to keep her interested in this challenging medium. Her computer and camera are integral to her creative process. Frequent travels provide fresh input and continue to develop her way of interpreting the world around her.
© 2021. All content on this blog is protected by international copyright laws All images are copyrighted © by Kris Parins or assignee. Apart from fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, the use of any image from this site is prohibited unless prior written permission is obtained. All images used for illustrative purposes only

Ms. Kris Parins |
Apple pie |
Balanced diet |
Floaters |
Lake garden |
Shiny Tiny Trailer |
Castnet on the creek |
Feather Light |
Flamenco |
Green heron red mangrove |
Last stand |
Nine bicycles |
Sleigh ride |
Snowbound |
Breakfast with Tiffanys |
Fall farewell |
Let the good times roll |
Redhead |
Round and round II |
Salute to the sun |
Carousel |
City light |
Empire state |
High desert hike |
Jailbirds |
June tune |
Million dollar cowboy |
The heat of the day |
The side of a barn |
Turn, turn, turn |
Tropical Punch |
Perceptual motion |
Parade day |
Tidal encounter |
Relic |
Chief Josephs coat |
Conveyance 6 |
Wisconsin barn |
This is incredible art. It warms the heart and teaches everything magic about water color.